Yes, Politics Is A Dirty Business

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But so is everything in this world that has not yet been captured for the Kingdom of God—the fine arts, athletics, entertainment, business, education, family life, and even religion. Unless the participants in each of these activities are experiencing LIVING BY FAITH (“the Law of God applied by the Grace of God”), as they are involved, the activity will eventually degenerate into a “dirty business.”

Examples of each doing so literally jump to mind: from the brilliantly-produced Hollywood movies, to our anti-American, pro-China-leaning professional sports leagues; from our Marxist colleges and our transexual-advocating elementary schools, to our DEI-obsessed manufacturers; from our LGBTQ+-promoting retail stores, to our “Woke” evangelical churches.

Therefore, if our standard of behavior is the Law of God in the Holy Bible, we can say without fear of contradiction, EVERYTHING without the rule of the Kingdom of God, is a “dirty business.” But, as we participate in them with the same, simple trust in Daddy with which we began as Christians (Colossians 2:6 – called “walking by faith”), those “dirty businesses” in the above list will be naturally, spontaneously and unconsciously changed (NSU). The Kingdom will come there!    

However, to use one of Shakespeare’s favorite phrases, “Ay, there’s the rub!” What does this necessary “walking by faith” really mean? It is much more than simply saying, “I believe in Jesus; yes I do.”

It means living daily in the reality of constantly having to face two, great, spiritual stumbling blocks not emphasized in many of our churches: 

Stumbling Block #1 – I am helplessly addicted to trying desperately to be GOOD AND NOT EVIL in whatever standard of behavior I myself, independently from God, have decided to adopt. 

Stumbling Block # 2 – I naturally refuse to embrace BECOMING AS A LITTLE CHILD: (“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” -Matthew 18:3), including not knowing ”why?” God does what He does, and it is above our pay-grade!.

Understanding these two truths experientially opens the door to an exciting, daily “walk by faith,” and the vibrant, captivating presence of the Kingdom of God wherever we go!

But first, before we investigate these two stumbling blocks to walking by faith, let’s look at what that term, “walking by faith” really means. The defining verse in the Bible is Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). 

I knew this verse and even quoted it for years before I had a clue as to what it meant.

FAITH refers to the present time; some experience or object we either possess or not right now. HOPE, on the other hand, is something we desire for the future, i.e., as in Hebrews 11, all the promises God gave Abraham for the great nation that would come from him—the Kingdom of God. 

The Greek word for the word translated “substance” that appears here in this verse is hypostasis, which means here “that which has actual existence, a substance, real being,” according to Thayer’s Greek New Testament. This means that Faith is the “substantiating,” or the “making real,” the Hope of the future Kingdom coming right now, in our experience!

For example, God says to those who genuinely want to obey Him, in Philippians 2:13: “For it is God who is producing in you both the desire and the ability to do what pleases Him.” This actually tells me that God Himself is diligently at work in me to actually conform my desires to His.. This means that I can know what God wants me to do by asking myself, “What do you want to do, Robert? God said that’s what He wants; do you believe it?” That is the faith that makes the hope of knowing and keeping God’s Word for my life a reality right now!

This is “walking by faith.” It is our job to make this righteous hope (vision) true in our experience. The Bible teaches that when we believe it, it is reality, right now (and the Bible says it is!), and it becomes true in our experience!  “Seeing IS NOT believing,” but “Believing IS seeing!”

This is the most exciting, freeing, empowering message imaginable, and it is the Word of the Living God! Every morning, I will kick open the screen door, shout “Here I come, World, ready or not!”, and ATTACK! I am armed with the weapons of 1.) “Waking in the light”—living in transparency as to my own sin (1 John 1:5-10), and 2.) “Being like a little child”—needing, asking, and trusting everything to my Heavenly Daddy, Who loves me and has already forgiven and forgotten all my sin!

Everyone I meet today will know that they have seen Jesus, living naturally, spontaneously and unconsciously (NSU) through me (Galatians 2:20)! I will find myself, (NSU), being interested in them, what they are doing, and what is important to them, mourning, grieving and rejoicing with them. (Philippians 2:3, 4). They will know that when I (Jesus) is with them, something is different, and they like it! 

When we are walking like this, in the light, as a little child, we are “walking by faith,” and indeed the Lord’s Prayer is answered wherever we go, as  “Your kingdom (has) come. Your will (is being)  done, On earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10) 

 Yes, wherever God’s people go, walking by faith, they are fulfilling Jesus’ mysterious pronouncement in John 14:12: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works (happening literally all over the world!) than these he will do, because I go to My Father.  We are all simply watching the coming of the Kingdom of God on the earth!

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