For parents involved in home education, I have prepared a one-year, high school, Family Living curriculum based on the book The Family, God’s Weapon for Victory, entitled Family Living by the Bible, complete with the book, a study guide for the student, and a teacher’s guide for the parent, with all answer keys. Also included is The Scandalous Gospel of the Grace of God, the gasoline that makes the car that is the family run. A yearly schedule of assignments, tests and suggested extra activities, i.e., the corresponding DVD sessions, is included as well. It is a lay-down for parents, who wouldn’t even necessarily have to read the book; only administer the exams and check that assignments are done. The cost of both books and both teacher and student guides is only $50.00, S&H, $10.00.

The Family, God’s Weapon for Victory, entitled Family Living by the Bible
“When I read The Family, God’s Weapon for Victory, I laughed, I cried, I rejoiced, I repented. It moved me again and again to pray for my children. I read parts aloud to my wife. I committed myself to going through it again, slowly, savoring it with care, applying its lessons to my family. And I determined that the way I serve my family and the goals that I have for my children in God’s kingdom must change. If transforming lives is Robert Andrews’ aim, this book is an arrow that hits the bullseye!” – E. Calvin Beisner, founding co-pastor, Holy Trinity Church (OPC); National Spokesman, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.