“As A Man Thinks in His Heart, So Is He”

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Let me get this straight: I am told that we are in the end-times, and Jesus will return at any time for us—first, to rescue us (all true believers) from the evils of the world, at the rapture. Second, He will then, after a few years of violent tribulation here on the earth, chronicled in Revelation, return to the earth with us, to assist Jesus as He Himself then rules the earth, personally and physically, in the “New Jerusalem” of  Revelation 21.

To me, this picture presents a myriad of difficulties, both textual and historical, that I can’t reconcile. For example, this rapture rescue plan would mean that Satan foiled God’s original plan in Genesis 1:26-28 for man 1.) to bear God’s image, 2.) to rule over the earth with God’s delegated authority as His vice-regent (including over Satan!), and 3.) to fill the earth with offspring, who then are also image-bearing rulers!

So, this Two Edges of the Sword blog presents an alternative view concerning mankind’s current condition.  This alternate position recognizes that God’s original plan is for MAN HIMSELF to rule for as long as the earth exists—and it is not as the fearful, disengaged, self-righteous  believer that today’s “end times retreatist Christian” portrays..

We have seen, over the past few weeks, how God has destroyed Satan’s best efforts to derail His ruling plan. In a divine sting operation at the cross, Jesus permanently and finally defeated Satan. At that cross, all mankind, as Adam’s descendents, died and rose again in Jesus. Now, since  Pentecost, we have been empowered by His Holy Spirit actually living inside us (Galatians 2:20)! We are now, for the first time, equipped and ready to do what we were created to do ourselves—rule over the earth!

However, if Solomon was right in Proverbs 23:7, quoted in the title of this blog posting, our involvement in this ruling process, that we were specifically created to achieve, is not associated with any profession or any particular lifestyle we have chosen. It is not determined by anything we are saying or doing each day. Where we are in God’s great eternal purpose for us is WHERE WE ARE IN OUR MINDS! As we go to work and attack our responsibilities each day in the world, what are we thinking? According to Solomon, THIS is what will determine who we really are and the life we will really live!

This means that there are many different places we earnest Christians may be, in our minds, as we go about those daily tasks, which Proverbs 27:3 says actually defines us. This list of our real-life locations, where many of us may be spending our time, is shocking. For example, completely unbeknownst to us, we may be money-driven, or completely entertainment-oriented, or pornography-addicted, or power-hungry, or acclaim-obsessed—in our minds—while being Jesus-loving, gung-ho Christians who live “righteously” in the world where we daily interact with others. We do not see that we are reserving the right to make final decisions as to “right and wrong, good and evil” for ourselves where we are really living—in our minds!

The amazing thing is that we are completely oblivious to this dichotomy between WHAT WE THINK IN OUR MINDS, and THE WAY WE LIVE IN OUR BODIES. I believe this insight gives the proper interpretation to the verse that the self-righteous, “stay-out-of-dirty-politics” Christians love to quote when Jesus said: “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20, 21).

These verses reiterate our title verse, Proverbs 23:7—entering God’s Kingdom is not based on what I do or say, externally, but on what I am thinking! Am I trying to please God by being an obedient, kingdom-extender, or to gain stature by leading a growing church, or by building a reputation as a public speaker, or, as is in my case, by being a blogger who is more insightful than others? If so, I am not living like a little child who simply does and says what his Daddy tells him. This failure would, in itself, preclude me from living in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:2-5; Mark 10:14, 15; Luke 18:17)! 

So, every day I want to do what my Heavenly Father has told me to do, that day—work as a salesman or a bank officer, teach school, frame a house, home school my children, remodel my home, drive a truck, etc. Wherever I go, whatever I do, whoever I talk to, I KNOW Jesus is there, living through this “little child.” His Holy Spirit is keeping God’s law in me (Romans 8:4), actually causing me to want to do what my Daddy says with all my heart (Philippians 2:13)! 

As I literally watch this happen, naturally, spontaneously, and unconsciously in my life (NSU), I know that THIS, and nothing else, is how the Lord’s prayer will be answered, as His Kingdom WILL come, and His will WILL be done right now, on the earth, just as it is done in Heaven!

There was a church in the Bible that shows us this kingdom explosion in action, and as you would expect, it happened NSU, with little or no fan-fare down, through the centuries. Next week we will investigate that church


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