“. . . And the Glory of the Lord Filled the Temple” – The Holy Spirit Alive in His Church – 227 pp., $20.00 ($15.00 five or more), $5.00 S&H per book; multiple copies by arrangement. eBook – $12.00.
When the Holy Spirit is not ignored today, He is invariably the subject of much controversy. If Christianity is indeed primarily an experience with the living God, as Paul discovered on the road to Damascus, and we know the reality of God in our lives by the Holy Spirit, Satan would be very well served if he could muddy the waters as to our understanding of the Holy Spirit. I believe he has done so.
My position on the Holy Spirit and His ministry may not be completely satisfying to all Pentecostals or charismatics, nor will cessationists (those who hold that the revelatory spiritual gifts are not for today) agree with me completely. However, I am not attempting to walk a middle line so I can please everyone (One who does that generally only alienates everyone rather than appeasing them!), but I believe that upon middle ground is where the truth of the Bible leads us; both sides have valid arguments and criticisms. I examine those carefully in this book.