U.S. Constitution – Worth Fighting For?

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I am excited! I have been wondering what God is going to do with our country, knowing that the upcoming election will give us a clue. If those who are currently openly attacking the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, prevail, God may be writing “FINIS” over us as a nation, as He did the Northern Kingdom of Israel when they were conquered by the Assyrians. If the Constitutionalists win, He may be bringing us a revival that will preserve and regenerate us. Which will it be?

This past week may be an indication. I watched clips of Donald Trump entering the Republican National Convention only two days after an assassin’s  bullet missed his skull by 1 centimeter. As he entered the building, the response was off the charts, and Trump was noticeably subdued, even seemingly near tears on a couple of occasions. His normal confident, arrogant, braggadocios attitude was missing.

Could we be witnessing the Lord capturing Trump’s heart in a new way? Wanda Alger, commented on that idea in an excellent article in The Stream: :

 “‘Then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever’ (Exodus 21:6).This reference in Exodus points to a time when a slave was invited to become a bondservant of his master for life – by choice and not by force. If they did this, they would willingly have their ear pierced on the doorpost of their master’s house to indicate their lifelong loyalty and allegiance to their master — not out of duty, but love.

President Donald Trump has most certainly felt the realities of being under the oppression of political overlords and occultic warmongers, and has proven his determination to oppose them. Each month that has gone by proves the cost of this warfare and the high stakes involved. Could it be that God is now signaling a shift? Could it be that God is inviting President Donald Trump into an even deeper relationship with his Master – by choice? Not because he has to, but because he wants to.

The incident itself has clearly demonstrated that this is a spiritual battle of eternal consequence that can only be won by supernatural means and protection. President Trump said himself it was “God alone” who shielded him. But, the realities of this warfare are going to get increasingly dangerous in the days ahead, and no amount of security detail in the natural will be able to cover him.

When the president’s ear was pierced, he immediately fell on his knees and his shoes were suddenly removed. In those few moments of lying face down before His Maker, could it be that the Lord was signaling to this man that he is on holy ground? His is a sacred call that is not his own. His mission is no longer about proving his ability to take down crooks or even save a nation; it is a sovereign call of the Lord that will only be fulfilled in his absolute surrender to the rule and protection of his Lord and Savior. The love in his heart for this country and its people is not just the result of his own good will or noble intentions. It was planted long ago by the only One who has ultimate claim and authority to this domain.

I do not want to force interpretations or conjecture. I merely want to suggest a strategic call to pray for this man who, in Heaven’s eyes, is a High Level Asset to the Kingdom. He is not our savior and should not be idolized or revered. And though some believers are still offended by this man of flesh, I believe he is still God’s choice to be our leader. God has placed upon this imperfect vessel a call to champion freedom in this nation and around the world so that higher Kingdom purposes can be accomplished. It is God’s desire to see this entire realm transformed through Kingdom means.”

That is a beautiful, insightful suggestion  expressed by Alger! 

 During the four days of the Convention, the RNC exuded a revival spirit, even though, publicly, I didn’t hear Jesus mentioned, although He was there. Those who are spiritually alive knew it! God was cementing the work He had done In Trump’s life at the assassination attempt, and He was bringing revival, naturally, spontaneously and unconsciously (NSU), with no religious leaders running around to the front of the parade, screaming “Look at me, look at me, look at me!” 

No, this was a move of God and people did not recognize it as such! NSU very seldom creates attention. However, all the veterans of these RNC conventions said there had never been another one like it. I am particularly eager to see the changes in Trump’s life, assuming he wins the election. Will it be significant enough for the Christian Pharisees that are against him to notice? I doubt it, but maybe they will. Will he carry out his plans more thoroughly and completely than he did as a rookie president, four years ago, and do so with love?

I believe our Constitution hangs in the balance. If the Democrats win, they will have four years to cement the globalist, anti-constitutional changes they have already initiated, while much of the church remains blissfully unaware. Why are there so many Christians asleep to the gravity of our situation? 

In the first seven chapters of his book, Roots of the American Republic, E. C. Wines presents some 17 principles that were characteristic of the ancient Hebrew Republic. Wines’ contention is that our nation’s founders, steeped in biblical history, consciously or unconsciously followed that biblical pattern when they designed our U.S. Constitution, a totally unique form of government in the world at that time. That governmental system was the one practiced by the Jews, beginning with Moses as he received God’s Law on Mt. Sinai, until Saul became Israel’s first king—a period of about 400 years.

.As Wines points out, although the founders did not create a perfect document (the Constitution does not follow the biblical pattern of “a unified nation follows but one God”), they did create a  democratic republic, the Hebrew example in the Bible.

However, beginning in the early 20th century, that Constitution has been under fierce attack. 1.) The satanic nature of that attack, 2.) What the church did as the attack was mounted, and 3.) What the church will do moving forward as it fulfills its God-given mission of ruling over the earth, is the topic of next week’s blog posting!

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  1. Jacob Joiner says:

    This is a very interesting take, however I think another verse that could possibly back up this idea is Leviticus 8:22-23. It talks about how when Aaron and his sons were ordained by the blood of the lamb of ordination with Moses putting it in the lobes of their right ear, i.e. a call to something higher through God.

  2. Patty Lueken says:

    Thank you for this. I have prayed for Trump to come to the true knowledge of his need for salvation and to be humbled. My hope was that after the assassination attempt, God would have his sway and his way.

    I was struggling to even consider voting except for locals & Here in Massachusetts that’s a discouraging effort.

    Going to share this with a small group that meets on zoom every Wednesday to pray for our nation & others
    Thanks again…
    We love you and hugs to Jill!

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